Sylvia Hamilton 2004-2008 Fraudulent Taxes Webpage
Fraudulent 1040s for 2004-2008 taxes probably also filed for Sylvia Hamilton by Danny Davila and Sylvia Hamilton:
$800,000 subtraction was not subtracted from Maurine Hamilton's fraudulent 1040 taxes 2004-2006 by Danny Davila and Sylvia Hamilton, so the $800,000 addition to Sylvia Hamilton's 1040 taxes probably did not happen either. i.e. stolen money not reported on thief's taxes.
Sylvia Hamilton Hamilton said the money was laundered via Western Union to Gina Andro in Las Vegas, so who knows whose taxes this stolen money should go on. But certainly not the victim's. The money was stolen. No longer there. Gone.
We do not have access to Sylvia Hamilton's tax files, and Danny Davila, CPA won't say, so only the IRS knows.
As well, Sylvia sent us on another wild goose chase during July, Aug and Sept 2009, looking for the contents of the Safe Deposit Box at Yoakum Bank in Yoakum, Texas. She fist told us that the key was at the Farm, so then after a search of the Farm house for the key turned up nothing, we had to contract with a locksmith and the bank and the bank's lawyer, to break into the Safe Deposit Box, which turned out to be empty. The bank records show Sylvia Hamilton was the last one to access the Safe Deposit Box. There was over $200,000 of gold and collectible gold and silver coins which Alan Hamilton had collected since the 1950s. It is doubtful that she reported this to the IRS.
This is only one of the many missing wild goose chases Sylvia sent us on, to waste alot of time and money looking for things that weren't there. We paid $3000 to attorney Wayne Gronquist to get all the bank records, and then only received some of the Chase Bank records (never received Sylvia's bank account records as promised). We then started writing the banks on our own. After 3 letters to Bank of America and quite a few phone calls, we have given up getting the records from the banks voluntarily. It has been shocking to find Bank of America literally does not even reply to the letters requesting the bank statements.
We luckily found the RBFCU $150,000 transfer receipt in one of the many boxes of papers Sylvia sent over, which appeared to have been cleared of all 2003-2006 receipts. Except one $150,000 mistake.
Sylvia then finally admits in her 10-28-2009 confession/accounting for the Probate Judge, that all the bank accounts are actually empty. Basically over 1.2 million dollars disappeared in 2 years. ($800,000 in Annuities, $200,000+ Safe Deposit Box and over $200,000 in cash in bank accounts).